A switch in time…

When I was six years old, my mother began sending me to my aunt and uncle’s house in North Carolina for the Summer. … more

The American way

In 1987, I was given the exciting news that our family was to travel to Colorado. As a 12-year-old boy I automatically tho… more

Grace – and disgrace

I have previously written about the spankings my three sisters and I received from our parents while growing up, and abo… more

The stolen keyring

I wonder how many of your correspondents have experienced real, thorough discipline that has lead to real change? I was … more

Spanking in context

I don’t know how many of your readers will be familiar with the term ‘Third Culture Kids’ (or TCKs for short). Basically, … more

Swats a-plenty

Many years ago now, I spent a year working in a school office as an assistant secretary. One of the duties of that job was … more

Tanning for a shoplifter

I came from a mixed family background – my mum is African and my dad, who I never knew, is English. Before my mum got ill and I … more

A change of pace

I have been inspired by other contributors to put fingers to keyboard. Here is my spanking journey so far – names have bee… more

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