On the bus home
A while back I wrote to explaining how, as an early teen, I negotiated with my mother to exchange a two-week ‘groun… more
A while back I wrote to explaining how, as an early teen, I negotiated with my mother to exchange a two-week ‘groun… more
My fellow Brits reading the Maman stories will understand when I say that the UK was a very different place back in the 197… more
Once again, I found myself sitting alone in my room, waiting for the inevitable. It had been about a half hour since my dad … more
I come from a conservative Indian household, where physical affection such as hugs and cuddles – even for the children – … more
When I was a young boy, just about to leave junior school in the summer, me and my best friend Paul were treated to a weekend … more
Along with my three sisters, I got more than my fair share of spankings growing up, mostly from our strict but loving moth… more
First of all, I am quite a bit younger than most of your contributors. I just turned 24 and this is my first year out of colle… more
I was 11 years old and in the 5th grade. That year, I was into making bracelets, and had been gifted a bracelet-making kit f… more
When I was 11 years old, my parents took me over to dinner at the home of my father’s boss. He and his wife had a daughter name… more
When I was growing up, spankings were very common for kids in their homes and so was corporal punishment in schools. Most … more
I grew up in the English county of Yorkshire in the 1970s, a time when smacking and corporal punishment was still very muc… more
As a boy, I became deeply fascinated by spanking. My parents were not the spanking type, although my sister has said that … more
One day, when I was eight years old, I went round to my aunt’s house to play with my cousin Javier. We went up to his bedroom a… more
It never pays to leave children to their own devices, as my mother found out on one memorable occasion.
On this day, my fri… more
This story goes right back to when I was just eight years old, but has been seared into my memory for reasons which will bec… more
I grew up in all-girl household – me, Andrea or Andi – and my sisters Katherine and Elizabeth, aka Lizzy. Our parents were … more
Some of your readers may remember my two previous submissions. The First of Many recalled my very first over-the-knee s… more
This is my earliest memory of corporal punishment from my father – I was about five years old at the time, I think.
As was na… more
I grew up in the 60s and 70s in rural Idaho. If the country was trending toward more progressive parenting where spankin… more
In my last story, I related how I was given a sound spanking by my aunt for playing on the railway line. As I also told you in t… more
In addition to parental punishments, kids are sometimes spanked by someone closer to their own age, most commonly an ol… more
My name is Andrew and this happened a long time ago. In the summer when I was 14 and my sister Diane 11, our favourite aunt an… more
When I was eight years old, my mum suddenly became very ill and was subsequently diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. I w… more
While in my second year at uni, I began going out with a girl I’ll call Andrea, and in our mutual third year we moved i… more
My mom rarely spanked me and my big sister (three years older) but nevertheless we did get our share of sore behinds growi… more
Many of your contributors, I notice, say they find it hard to pinpoint exactly where their fascination with the act of sp… more
During the 1970s, I attended a private Catholic girls school in Yorkshire. It was run along pretty traditional lines, a… more
I was quite mature – well, 12 years old – when I got my first ever spanking. One Saturday, I was playing baseball with five o… more
I’m taking you back in time to the 1970s, when I was a little girl of six years old. My mum had needed some groceries a… more
My sister and I are what’s termed fraternal twins – the product of two separately fertilised eggs, rather than th… more
I was raised in a pretty middle class family in Scotland during the 1980s. My parents were pretty liberal, and although I … more
Like many of my friends growing up in the early 1970s, I was spanked for misbehaviour. It wasn’t a big deal. Mom would give … more
I was brought up in a very loving Irish Catholic family during the late 70s and 80s. Unusually for such families, I was an o… more
I have a tale to tell, according to my new partner at least! She introduced me to the Maman site after a conversation abou… more
In 1941, I was almost 12 and in a day school for boys in Oxford. I had no siblings, and my father had been killed in the w… more
I am now what most people would consider an old lady, but nevertheless I enjoy reading your website as it brings back wond… more
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