A recipe for disaster
I have a tale to tell, according to my new partner at least! She introduced me to the Maman site after a conversation abou… more
I have a tale to tell, according to my new partner at least! She introduced me to the Maman site after a conversation abou… more
In 1941, I was almost 12 and in a day school for boys in Oxford. I had no siblings, and my father had been killed in the w… more
I am now what most people would consider an old lady, but nevertheless I enjoy reading your website as it brings back wond… more
When I was growing up in the 1980s, corporal punishment was generally out of favour – but not in our house. If my sister and … more
Growing up in the 1980s, my sister and I spent a lot of time over at the house of our widowed grandmother. After my grandpa d… more
I was no stranger to spankings growing up, but being punished together with my brothers was a rare event. However, it d… more
I was born and raised in a village in the north east Highlands of Scotland. The primary school I attended in the 1960s is no… more
I really enjoy reading Maman and have a story to share. This is a little different perhaps to some of your stories as it con… more
The story submitted to your site by Diane recently rang all sorts of bells with me, and all for the same (and wrong!) reaso… more
Maman has received the following from a contributor named Uma, supposedly the results of a research project into the us… more
I was brought up in a comfortable middle-class home during the 1970s and although corporal punishment was still very co… more
I wasn’t spanked much when I was a kid, and my sisters even less. I always deserved it when it happened. My mother was the di… more
You might think that the practice of smacking, particularly in the UK, had more or less died a death. I certainly thought … more
My older brother and I were brought up in a fairly upper middle class household during the 1960s, and like many parents of … more
I’m an old man now, but I was born into a wealthy family in the early 1950s. Our family firm’s name is one that … more
I read with interest Charlotte’s account of being caned in primary school. I too got the cane at a similar age (nin… more
My best friend when I was a child was a girl called Naomi, and when we were both nine years old, I was invited one evening to h… more
I served in the US Navy for eight years, most of that time in a shore-based role in Norfolk, Virginia. It was during this ti… more
My younger brother (by two years) and I were brought up in the 1980s, when spanking was still a fairly common method of kee… more
I grew up in a fairly rural area of the UK in the 1960s, and a lot of the properties in my village had large gardens with apple … more
I stumbled across your site by accident and was fascinated. I’m 59 now, so I well remember the days (70s and 80s) when corp… more
Crichton’s shoe shop was once an institution in our town, but ceased trading when the owner died some 15 years ago. It was … more
Because I was an only child, I think my mother in particular was keen to make sure that I wasn’t spoilt, and althoug… more
When I was in my late teens, I traveled to Jamaica with my mother and younger sister to visit my aunt, who worked in the tour… more
I’ve noticed that there are quite a few of your correspondents from single parent families, and I am another, as m… more
When I was 13 years old, we had a family holiday in the West of England. On one of these days, it was decided that my dad would … more
Mother was the disciplinarian in our household of three children. My brother was three years older, and my sister three … more
When I was growing up, mom seldom spanked me. It’s possible she did when I was younger but by the time I was eight or s… more
When I was nearly 15, I got quite friendly with a boy who lived just down the street from me. He was only 12, and I liked the wa… more
This memory comes from the early 1960s, when I was 11 years old. Because my father had died early, when I was just eight, my … more
One evening, when I was 11 years old, both my parents had to work late, and so I was left in the care of my sister Rebeca, who i… more
This story comes from the early 80s, when I was about 19 and fresh back from uni for the summer break. To earn a bit of pocket … more
Now the long summer holidays are once again upon us, I thought your readers might like to hear about a day back in the early … more
When I was 16 and my brother 17, my grandmother came for an extended visit. She was nice to have around but was clearly a no… more
I was an only child in a middle class family. My parents weren’t particularly strict, but believed in a firm set of … more
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