Jane’s cane

It is now 50 years ago that I visited an aunt with my mother. On arrival, we were shown into the dining room and my aunt apolo… more


My most memorable and embarrassing spanking was when I was 11. My mom and step dad were going out to dinner at some fancy re… more

Mrs Tranter

As a lad who grew up in the early 60s in Stoke-on-Trent, England, I was no stranger to the odd swipe across the face or backs… more

Crying before a smacking

When I was a child, I was a bit of a softy. If I was to be spanked, I would be in tears before the punishment was administered.… more

Aunty Janet

We had an ‘aunty’ who was really a young work colleague of dad’s, whom our family befriended. We lov… more


I grew up in the 50s on a small Mediterranean island off the Italian mainland, where my father was “something in in… more

Smacked by Betty

Betty was our matriarch; at 13, I think, a year older than me.

We used to go for long, innocent walks on Sunday mornings. Wh… more

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