My duties

Many years ago, I worked in the front office of an elementary school. My duties were fairly simple: filing, answering the telephone, duplicating documents for the teachers and other basic clerical duties.

However, I was also the witness for corporal punishment. Whenever a kid had misbehaved enough in class, the teacher would send him or her to see the Assistant Principal. I saw the look of dread on the faces of many young girls and boys.

Not every child sent to see her would get paddled, though the kids thought it was inevitable. However, Mrs S was a very nice woman – firm, but not without mercy. She had a talent for talking to kids and was a great listener.

She would always give the child the opportunity to explain his or her side of the incident. Sometimes, she would send the kid back to class to apologise. Sometimes, she would send the child home, excused for the rest of the day. Rarely, she would suspend. But sometimes my buzzer would ring – that meant that I needed to go to her office to watch a paddling.

The kids ranged from five to 12 years old. If the child was under eight, Mrs S would usually put her or him across her knee. Older kids would bend over an end table actually there for that purpose.

I remember so many of the paddlings I observed. It is difficult for me to pick one to describe, but I shall try.

I remember a very cute seven-year-old girl who came to the office in tears. She handed me a note from her teacher. The note was to Mrs S, saying that the girl had been disobedient in class, in addition to talking instead of doing her school work. I showed her in to Mrs S, handing her the note.

About 10 minutes later, my buzzer rang and I went into the inner office. Mrs S had the child bend over her knee, all the while lecturing her on following school rules, obeying her teacher, doing her school work and not disturbing her fellow students. When the child was over Mrs S’s knee, her short dress rode up, exposing her panties.

My boss then lifted the paddle high and swatted that little girl’s pantied behind very hard. The child let out a loud scream. Then another hard swat, with the child kicking her legs and crying, trying to catch her breath before yet another hard swat. She received five hard spanks that day.

Mrs S then let the little girl off her knee and held her so as to let her know that the punishment was over and that she was not really angry at her. She let the child stay until she had stopped crying, then asked me to help the girl wash her face so that it would not be obvious she had been crying. The little girl was then sent back to class to apologise to the teacher. An accompanying note let the teacher know she had been paddled.

I never did see that little girl come back again when she was in trouble. However, I did see her many times at the school under much happier circumstances.

Contributor: Paulette

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