My mother was a barber back in the late 60s and early 70s. On weekends, as a small girl, I would go with her to help. She had a nice shop, several leather chairs and each one had a razor strop that would hang off the edge.
Lots of mothers would bring in their children and leave them while they went and ran errands. Sometimes I knew them, sometimes I didn’t. She always asked the mothers if their child did not behave, could she have their permission to use the strap? Of course the answer was always ‘yes’.
On one occasion, one of my school chums was left by his mom. I was in the back room, colouring. I heard my mom telling the boy to stop squirming around – but I kept hearing the leather squeak.
Finally I heard my mom tell him: “That’s it.” I peeked around the corner and saw her grab him up and use the leather strap on him. I didn’t want him to see me so I kept peeking around the corner. She used that strap many times on him. I knew she was mad as she kept puffing on her cigarette.
After his mom came and picked him the boy up, my mom called me. She said she had seen me peeking around the corner and watching the spanking. She told me it was not polite to spy.
Mom then made me pull down my panties and used the razor strop on me. I had to bend over the barber’s chair, just like that boy did, and she gave me 10 whacks. I never spied again.
Contributor: Anonymous