Hot weather hidings

The recent very hot weather in England reminded me of a summer spanking I had to give to two of my daughters.

It was a baking hot Saturday and hubby had left early to play golf. After breakfast, I got my bikini on and headed out into the garden with the girls.

Katherine was 13 at the time, and so content to lie on a sunlounger, reading and tanning. However, as Andrea was seven and Lizzy then 10 years old, they wanted something more active. So, I pumped up an inflatable paddling pool and filled it with the garden hose.

The younger girls had a great time jumping in and out of the pool but as they became more boisterous a few splashes of water began to land on both Katherine and myself. I looked up from my book and gave the girls a stern warning that if we continued to get splashed, I would take the pair of them inside and smack bottoms.

Initially, I thought the warning had done the trick, and soon dozed off behind my sunglasses. But suddenly I woke with a jump to the sound of Katherine screaming. She was soaked, and so was her book. Standing in the paddling pool with an empty bucket was Andrea, looking guilty as sin, with a sniggering Lizzy beside her.

“Andrea!” I shouted “Inside – now! You are going to be well spanked for that.” Andrea’s first reaction was not to protest but to point at Lizzy and say: “She dared me, she dared me!” 

Now it was Lizzy’s turn to look guilty. I asked her if she had put her little sister up to the prank and she sheepishly replied: “She didn’t have to do it.” So now I had a double spanking on my hands.

Both girls were both wearing one-piece swimsuits. When I got them to the back door, I stripped them girls and gave them a cursory rub-down with a kitchen towel.

As usual, I decided to ‘do’ the youngest first. So I directed Lizzy nose-first into a corner of the kitchen and had her put her hands on her head.

Then I grabbed Andrea by the wrist, pulled out a kitchen chair and draped her over my knee. As I began spanking her damp bottom, I reminded her that she had been warned about splashing and she had deliberately disobeyed. I was none too happy about having to take a break from the sun in these circumstances and my firm spanks made this clear.

I spanked my youngest until I was satisfied that her bottom was sufficiently red and sore. I must have smacked for a solid three minutes.

I let her up for her tearful ‘spanky dance’ before swapping her into the corner and taking Lizzy over my knee.

Although it had been Andrea who had thrown the water, I was even angrier at Lizzy for deliberately getting her little sister into trouble, so I resolved to deliver a memorable punishment.

I began with a very sound hand spanking. To Lizzy’s obvious surprise, I commenced by spanking the tops of her thighs rather than her bum. I didn’t stop until she was well reddened from her sit-spots to halfway down to her knees. This meant she was a very sore and sorry girl before I even began smacking her bottom. 

Then it was on to the traditional target. Once Lizzy’s bottom matched the colour of her thighs, I put her in the corner next to her sister and made a detour to the living room to pick up the wooden ruler. I would be using this to complete Andrea’s punishment.

Once I had my spanker of choice, I took her back across my knee and told her she would be getting seven hard strokes of the ruler, one for each year of her age. This provoked fresh howling, which only intensified with each whack.

Just as I was finishing applying the ruler, I heard a key in the front door. It was hubby back from his golf. He looked slightly bemused as he took in the scene: both his daughters completely naked, the youngest over my knee being smacked hard with a ruler and his middle daughter with her nose in the corner, red bottom and thighs on display.

“Well well, what’s going on here?” he asked. I explained the situation and I could see by his furrowed brow that he was very unhappy with Lizzy’s conduct in particular. “It seems like I’m home just in time to give Lizzy the strapping she deserves,” he announced. I smiled at that but from the corner came a mournful cry of ‘no daddy!’

Hubby put Andrea back in a corner, giving her little bum a couple of firm smacks of his own in the process, as I quickly marched Lizzy through to the living room and bent her over the sofa, sitting down there myself so I could hold her in the punishment position.

Once hubby had Andrea in the corner he retrieved the Big Girl Strap, which by that time was the ultimate punishment in our house. He had now shifted fully into ‘stern daddy mode’ and told Lizzy that he was very disappointed she could not behave for the few hours he was out. “You need a good hiding to improve your behaviour, young lady,” he added.

A loud crack followed by a shriek from Lizzy, signalled the start of her strapping. She squirmed and hubby shot me a look which said ‘hold tight – this is going to a hard one’. And it was – he sizzled the leather down on to her bare buttocks a further nine times, leaving Lizzy wailing and blubbering and the owner of a deep red, very tender bottom.

Normally, after a punishment like this Lizzy and Andrea would have been sent to their rooms for the rest of the day. However, given the hot weather, we told both girls they could come back outside once they were ready. Hubby even added a few ice cubes to the paddling pool, so they were both content to sit in it to cool their well-smacked bottoms.

Contributor: Nicola

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