
Mom was having a tea at 3.30 that spring afternoon. The cook had made wonderful cookies for the occasion and placed them on covered platters in the pantry. The cook then had the afternoon off, and the maid would do the serving while mom poured the tea.

I was six, Jeff was five, and my friend Marilyn had come over to play dolls with me. Jeff was with us. We decided to go to the kitchen to get a snack, so we went from the playroom down the back stairs into the kitchen area.

Nanny and the maid were talking in the garden and mom was upstairs getting dressed. Marilyn’s mother was coming to tea as well, so she would go home when her mother left. We opened the refrigerator and saw some little finger sandwiches there but nothing seemed too wonderful. We were just exploring, anyway.

We ended up passing through the pantry to head out into the main dining room and then the parlour. Marilyn and I thought we would play piano together before we would be sent upstairs during the tea. Why didn’t we just keep going to the piano? It really was a lovely one – wonderful tone…

No. Instead, we lifted the linen covers of the cookie platters in the pantry on the way through. Oh! What a beautiful sight! Those were my favourites, and they were all carefully decorated. We began to tell each other which ones we thought were best. That went on awhile, but somehow, and I don’t know just who went first, the tasting party began.

The three of us really devastated that platter. We knew we had taken too many, but we thought we could move the rest around and fix it all up. No luck. We had taken too many. It looked really bad.

There was nothing to do but put these over on to the other platters – combine arrangements to cover our crime. Now, what do we do with the empty platter? We decided we’d better hide it until after the tea, and then we could put it with the other dishes, and no-one would know. We scurried to find a spot, but a big silver platter is not easy to conceal, with all its crumbs and frosting on it.

The maid walked in just as we were trying to slide the platter into a slot where trays were kept. We had frosting on our dresses and Jeff had crumbs in his hair from leaning over while we were trying to hide the platter.

The maid, Suzanne, took Marilyn and me straight to my mother, who was by now in the upstairs drawing room making final preparations for the tea. Jeff was in tow right behind us. Suzanne told my mother what she had found, and mom got a full confession out of us.

It was a serious problem for Mom, for the cook had made just enough and was now gone for the day. The maid was instructed to redesign the sandwich platters to look more dressy, and with that, Suzanne left us.

“Look at you all! You have crumbs and frosting all over you! I may not have enough for all my guests. What were you doing? There were other things you could have had if you had been hungry. You know that!”

My mother ranted and raved for quite a while. She never stopped being a lady for one minute of that scolding, and she kept saying that had we asked, nanny would have treated us with tea in the nursery.

Mother picked up the phone there and called Marilyn’s mother to tell her what happened. Then she turned to us and said that Marilyn’s mother would be here shortly. Nanny came in and just stared in surprise. Suzanne had told her what we had done. Mom instructed Nanny to take Jeff to the nursery and to deal with his naughtiness.

Jeff started to cry. Nanny took his hand and led him away. Now we were really afraid, for if nanny was going to spank Jeff, what would happen to us? Mom put us in two chairs there in the drawing room and told us to stay put. We were not even to talk.

She left. It seemed like hours. Then Suzanne appeared with both of our mothers. Marilyn’s mother still had her coat on but Suzanne took it from her and departed. “You are both going to be spanked for what you have done. Marilyn’s mother will spank her, and I will spank you.”

Mom was having a tea at 3:30 that spring afternoon. The cook had made wonderful cookies for the occasion and placed them on covered platters in the pantry. The cook then had the afternoon off, and the maid would do the serving, while mom poured the tea.

I was six, Jeff was five, and my friend Marilyn had come over to play dolls with me. Jeff was with us. We decided to go to the kitchen to get a snack, so we went from the playroom down the back stairs into the kitchen area.

Nanny and the maid were talking in the garden, and mom was upstairs getting dressed. Marilyn’s mother was coming to tea as well, so she would go home when her mother left. We opened the refrigerator and saw some little, finger sandwiches there, but nothing seemed too wonderful. We were just exploring, anyway.

We ended up passing through the pantry to head out into the main dining room and then the parlour. Marilyn and I thought we would play piano together before we would be sent upstairs during the tea. Why didn’t we just keep going to the piano? It really was a lovely one – wonderful tone . . .

No. Instead, we lifted the linen covers of the cookie platters in the pantry on the way through. Oh! What a beautiful sight! Those were my favourites, and they were all carefully decorated. We began to tell each other which ones we thought were best. That went on awhile, but somehow, and I don’t know just who went first, the tasting party began.

The three of us really devastated that platter. We knew we had taken too many, but we thought we could move the rest around and fix it all up. No luck. We had taken too many. It looked really bad.

There was nothing to do but put these over on to the other platters – combine arrangements to cover our crime. Now, what do we do with the empty platter? We decided we’d better hide it until after the tea, and then we could put it with the other dishes, and no-one would know. We scurried to find a spot, but a big silver platter is not easy to conceal, with all its crumbs and frosting on it.

The maid walked in just as we were trying to slide the platter into a slot where trays were kept. We had frosting on our dresses, and Jeff had crumbs in his hair from leaning over while we were trying to hide the platter.

The maid, Suzanne, took Marilyn and me straight to my mother, who was by now in the upstairs drawing room making final preparations for the tea. Jeff was in tow right behind us. Suzanne told my mother what she had found, and mom got a full confession out of us.

It was a serious problem for Mom, for the cook had made just enough and was now gone for the day. The maid was instructed to redesign the sandwich platters to look more dressy, and with that, Suzanne left us.

“Look at you all! You have crumbs and frosting all over you! I may not have enough for all my guests. What were you doing? There were other things you could have had if you had been hungry. You know that!”

My mother ranted and raved for quite a while. She never stopped being a lady for one minute of that scolding, and she kept saying that had we asked, nanny would have treated us with tea in the nursery.

Mother picked up the phone there and called Marilyn’s mother to tell her what happened. Then she turned to us and said that Marilyn’s mother would be here shortly. Nanny came in and just stared in surprise. Suzanne had told her what we had done. Mom instructed Nanny to take Jeff to the nursery and to deal with his naughtiness.

Jeff started to cry. Nanny took his hand and led him away. Now we were really afraid, for if nanny was going to spank Jeff, what would happen to us? Mom put us in two chairs there in the drawing room and told us to stay put. We were not even to talk.

She left. It seemed like hours. Then, Suzanne appeared with both of our mothers. Marilyn’s mother still had her coat on, but Suzanne took it from her and departed. “You are both going to be spanked for what you have done. Marilyn’s mother will spank her, and I will spank you.”

My mother took my hand and led me into the hall. Suzanne was waiting there. My mother explained to Marilyn’s mother that there was a guest suite on the other side of the house. She would be able to clean Marilyn up there and do whatever she felt necessary. I saw Marilyn leave with her mother, heading for the suite, under Suzanne’s guidance. She never even looked back to me.

Mom took me into her room and shut the door. “OK, young lady, let’s get you cleaned up. I have guests arriving soon.” Mom took my dress off me and took me in her bathroom. She took out my braids and brushed out my hair (frosting and crumbs, I imagine). Then, she washed my face and hands.

“Nanny will dress you in another outfit, for this one will have to be washed. I hope Marilyn’s is better than yours,” Mother said calmly. I knew I was in trouble, and mom was calm. Oh, I must be in terrible trouble!

She led me back into her bedroom and pulled down my panties. There I was in my slip, socks, and shoes. “I think this will have to be a very hard spanking, Gigi. You did a terrible thing, and you got two other people into difficulty. Jeff has been spanked, Marilyn is probably getting spanked, and Marilyn’s mother is very upset that her daughter took part in this. They have teas as much as we do, and Marilyn knew better!”

My mother placed me over the arm of her stuffed boudoir chair and pulled my slip up to my neck. Then she went to the window and just stood there lecturing me. I don’t remember what she said. I think the delay was a part of the punishment, as I look back now.

There was a knock at the door. I felt humiliated, but I didn’t dare move. It was Suzanne. The first guests had arrived. My mother looked at the clock, and was furious that I had done this to her. She returned to me. I clenched my fists and squeezed my eyes shut as tightly as I could.

The spanking began. Oh, did that hurt! Again and again, the spanks came down on my bare behind. I rolled from side to side, but it didn’t help, for mom had a real grip on my upper back.

When it was over, she told me not to move. She said she had to get downstairs to her guests and I would have to stay like that until nanny came in for me. That made me afraid, because nanny had a “spanking stick” and I didn’t know if it would be left in the nursery.

It wasn’t long before nanny came in. The stick was not with her, but I know she did not realise that I would be in that position. She came over and smacked me several times, scolding me for causing my mother so much trouble. Then nanny lifted me up and put my panties back on me.

We walked to the nursery. I could see that Jeff had been crying, and he was standing in the corner. Marilyn was there too, and she had been crying. We had trouble looking at each other. Her dress was OK. Nanny put another dress on me, and Marilyn and I stood in corners for a while.

When we were all released, we were told that we would have to stay in the nursery, so nanny left us to go and get our tea. It was humiliating to know that our mothers had to make their apologies for their naughty daughters at the tea party that day.

My mother took my hand and led me into the hall. Suzanne was waiting there. My mother explained to Marilyn’s mother that there was a guest suite on the other side of the house. She would be able to clean Marilyn up there and do whatever she felt necessary. I saw Marilyn leave with her mother, heading for the suite, under Suzanne’s guidance. She never even looked back to me.

Mom took me into her room and shut the door. “OK, young lady, let’s get you cleaned up. I have guests arriving soon.” Mom took my dress off me and took me in her bathroom. She took out my braids and brushed out my hair (frosting and crumbs, I imagine). Then she washed my face and hands.

“Nanny will dress you in another outfit, for this one will have to be washed. I hope Marilyn’s is better than yours,” Mother said calmly. I knew I was in trouble, and mom was calm. Oh, I must be in terrible trouble!

She led me back into her bedroom and pulled down my panties. There I was in my slip, socks, and shoes. “I think this will have to be a very hard spanking, Gigi. You did a terrible thing and you got two other people into difficulty. Jeff has been spanked, Marilyn is probably getting spanked, and Marilyn’s mother is very upset that her daughter took part in this. They have teas as much as we do, and Marilyn knew better!”

My mother placed me over the arm of her stuffed boudoir chair and pulled my slip up to my neck. Then she went to the window and just stood there lecturing me. I don’t remember what she said. I think the delay was a part of the punishment, as I look back now.

There was a knock at the door. I felt humiliated, but I didn’t dare move. It was Suzanne. The first guests had arrived. My mother looked at the clock and was furious that I had done this to her. She returned to me. I clenched my fists and squeezed my eyes shut as tightly as I could.

The spanking began. Oh, did that hurt! Again and again, the spanks came down on my bare behind. I rolled from side to side, but it didn’t help, for mom had a real grip on my upper back.

When it was over, she told me not to move. She said she had to get downstairs to her guests and I would have to stay like that until nanny came in for me. That made me afraid, because nanny had a ‘spanking stick’ and I didn’t know if it would be left in the nursery.

It wasn’t long before nanny came in. The stick was not with her but I know she did not realise that I would be in that position. She came over and smacked me several times, scolding me for causing my mother so much trouble. Then nanny lifted me up and put my panties back on me.

We walked to the nursery. I could see that Jeff had been crying, and he was standing in the corner. Marilyn was there too, and she had been crying. We had trouble looking at each other. Her dress was OK. Nanny put another dress on me, and Marilyn and I stood in corners for a while.

When we were all released, we were told that we would have to stay in the nursery, so nanny left us to go and get our tea. It was humiliating to know that our mothers had to make their apologies for their naughty daughters at the tea party that day.

Contributor: Gigi

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