Driven to despair

I was no stranger to spankings growing up, but being punished together with my brothers was a rare event. However, it did occur and the most memorable spanking occurred when I was 16 and my two brothers were 14 and 17 respectively.

One day, I really wanted to go to the mall but my parents were away that day visiting friends. My oldest brother had his driver’s license and since we thought my parents would be gone all day, we decided that he should take the second car and drive to the mall to spend a few hours.

We jumped into the car and rather than spending a few hours spent almost four hours there. Nevertheless we felt we still had enough time to get home before my parents would arrive back.  Unfortunately, our timing was off.  Just as we pulled into the driveway, my parents also arrived home seconds later.  There was no denying that we had been out in clear violation of their instructions, and our mother and father were furious.

Mom ordered us into the house and we were lined up in the hallway outside of the den.  She walked by us with her spanking hairbrush and grabbed my younger brother by the arm and pulled him into the den, slamming the door shut behind her. Outside of the den, we heard my brother pleading and what scared the both of us in the hall was his plaintive cry of ‘please, not that way!’

Soon, the sounds of hairbrush smacking bare skin were heard as well as begging and pleading from my younger brother, which soon was replaced by crying and howling and eventually all of his vocalisation became babble. The spanking had to go on for a good four minutes before it stopped, but his crying and sobbing continued loud and clear.

The door opened and my younger brother was pushed out into the hallway stark naked with tears and snot dripping from his face while he danced from foot to foot, with a bottom a very deep shade of red. Mom pushed his face against the wall and told him to put his hands on top of his head and not to move an inch unless he wanted a second helping of the hairbrush.

She then grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the den.  She didn’t say a word to me while she stripped me naked before I was put over her lap. Within seconds the hairbrush began to hit my butt, sit spots and back of thighs at full force and very fast. I screamed and cried and tried to protect my butt with my hand but it was quickly moved away and held in the small of my back. However, that didn’t stop my frantic kicking, and I was sure that I was going to die.

It seemed like an eternity before Mom stopped spanking me and when I was let up, I danced up and down in a feeble attempt to lessen the incredible pain in my butt. But I howled when she grabbed my arm and began pulling me towards the door without letting me get dressed in any fashion. Naked and bawling like a baby, I was pushed against the wall next to my younger brother, with the same instructions to put my hands on top of my head and not to move an inch.  

Then it was my older brother’s turn and he reverted back to a much younger version of himself, begging ‘Mommy’ not to spank him hard.

By about halfway through my older brother’s spanking I was able to compose myself enough to become aware of my surroundings. I noticed that my younger brother was staring at my bare breasts, and as a result he had a very stiff erection. And I must admit I stared back at his cock, which was pointing straight up and bobbing up and down a bit, and felt my vagina moisten.

My older brother was eventually pushed out into the hallway with the rest of us, bawling like a naughty toddler and with a deep red butt with some bruises already evident on his sit spots.

My mother then called my father, and said: “Right – they’re ready for you!” That announcement caused us all to wail in new despair. Dad appeared and ordered us all into the den, where we were told to line up behind the couch and bend over. Dad spaced us out a bit and we watched in terror as he took off his belt.  

He started with my younger brother and gave him six incredibly hard smacks with the belt, which cause him to howl with each impact. Then Dad moved onto me for six of the belt and then onto my older brother.

As I was bending over, I could now see each of my brothers staring at my breasts and I have to admit that my gaze was also directed to their very stiff erections.  We got a total of 24 strokes of the belt before we were told to gather up our clothes and were allowed to run to our rooms.  

Once in my room, I looked at my bottom in the mirror to see the marks from the belt and bruises on my sit spots. I fell sobbing face down on my bed and then heard the cries of my younger brother as he was apparently being pulled down the hallway to the bathroom, the door shutting behind him.

About 30 minutes later I heard him sobbing piteously as he returned to his room. Then Mom came into my room, grabbed me off of the bed and pulled me into the bathroom where a red enema bag – with soapy bubbles dripping out of the top – was hanging from the shower curtain rail.  

I begged not to be given an enema but my mother hauled me over her lap as she sat on the toilet seat and pushed the nozzle into my anus and started the water flow.  I cried and pleaded for the solution to be slowed down a bit but those pleas went unheeded. Finally, I heard the gurgle of the bag as it emptied and I was made to stand in front of the toilet that I so desperately needed to use for 10 minutes. All the while, I was in great distress and cramps ripped through my stomach.

I was eventually allowed to relieve myself, but sitting on the hard toilet seat – making an awful smell with my bottom – was an additional punishment in itself.  After a while, I was allowed to wipe my bum and was taken back to my room, where I again fell face down on the bed. I then heard my older brother being hauled down to the bathroom for his own enema, which again was accompanied by loud wails of distress.

The next day we compared notes and admitted that this was the worst punishment we had ever received. We clearly knew that it would be several days before we could sit down comfortably. 

My brothers also admitted that one the worst aspects of the punishment was be naked and exposed to others, particularly their sister. But they also sheepishly stated that they could not help looking at my exposed breasts, particularly when they were jiggling so much during the application of the belt. In turn, I had to admit that watching their erections and balls bounce around as they were dealt with was also entertaining in a strange way.

Whatever, it was an effective deterrent as we never took the car or went anywhere without permission ever again.

Contributor: Misty

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