The way to do it

When I was 16 and my brother 17, my grandmother came for an extended visit. She was nice to have around but was clearly a no-nonsense person, who rather dominated my mother.

One day, my brother and I got home late from a trip to the mall and my mother was very upset. She announced that we were to be spanked and hauled us into the family room for the punishment. My grandmother came in to watch the spectacle, as my mother pulled down my jeans and gave me a hard hairbrush spanking on the seat of my underpants.  My brother got the same treatment, and we were both left in tears by our punishments.

As we stood there in our underwear, trying to simultaneously rub our stinging bottoms and wipe away the flowing tears, my grandmother looked at us thoughtfully for a moment, then turned to our mother.

“Well,” she said, “it’s clear to me you know nothing about disciplining children. I think it’s high time you learned how to raise these two properly!” Mother turned bright red but remained silent as my grandmother grabbed the hairbrush from her hand and put it down on the chair where my mother had previously been sitting.

She came up across to my brother and began to remove his shirt, methodically stripping him down to his underpants. Then these were also pulled down, leaving my brother naked and red-faced with embarrassment.

Then Grandmother approached me. I begged not to be exposed but she ignored me. I was stripped down to bra and panties, then these two were removed and I began crying all over again.

Grandmother pulled me over to the chair and hauled me over her knee. She told my mother: “Bonnie’s butt is hardly red enough to be called a spanking. They need to be naked as the day they were born for a proper spanking!”

Then she began to smack me with the hairbrush, attacking the same spot on my bottom again and again. I went wild with the pain and writhed around on her knee. I heard her call across the room to my mother. “Hold her arms so she can’t protect that butt!” I began to plead for the spanking to stop but Mother just looked down on me sternly as she held me and Grandmother began to spank even harder.

It seemed to go on forever until she finally pushed me off her lap. Trying to rub the pain from my butt, I danced around until I realised what a show I was putting on – my brother was now sporting an enormous erection.

Grandmother pulled him over her lap too. “You won’t be so excited in a minute,” she told him, removing any doubt that she had seen his arousal. My mother held his arms too. My brother’s legs kicked wildly as he begged for mercy as the hairbrush smacked his butt until it was deep red. Grandmother eventually pushed him off of her lap and he danced around as I had, unregarding of how his cock and balls were bouncing up and down.

“Get your clothes back on and go to your rooms,” was all Grandmother said. We quickly gathered up our clothes and ran naked to our respective bedrooms, tears still running down our faces.  Once in the privacy of my bedroom, I looked at my bottom in a mirror – it was deep red and covered with bruises too.

I didn’t bother putting my clothes back on, but just laid face down on my bed. As I did so, I could hear my grandmother yelling at my mother. Then, to my astonishment, I once again heard the unmistakeable sound of the hairbrush once again being applied to a bare bottom. Mother was yelping and promising to do better in the future, but eventually her words became just a crying babble. Her spanking went on for much longer than the ones her children had just received.

Then I heard both of them outside my room and my grandmother told my mother: “It’s soapsuds for you, my girl!” “Please, Mom, no! Please let me go!” I don’t know exactly what happened but it was about 15 minutes before I heard Mother walking away, still crying, followed by my grandmother’s footsteps shortly afterwards.

The next morning, my brother and I sat very gingerly at breakfast – but it was a least a day before we saw our mother sit down and even then, it was with a grimace. After that, us kids were always on our best behaviour when my grandmother was around – and so was my mother.

Contributor: Bonnie

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