Pain and shame at school

When I was about 16, myself and three of my friends (another girl and two boys) snuck away from school and went to the local drive-in for lunch.  

We thought we had everything worked out on how to do it, and we got back to school with a couple of minutes to spare. But when we tried to sneak in by the side door, we found it was locked and we had to go around to the main entrance.

There, we were met by the vice-principal, who immediately ordered us to report to her office. We immediately knew we were in trouble – but didn’t realise at that point how serious it all was.

We sat outside that office for more than an hour before, one by one, our parents started to arrive. Once all of the parents were assembled, us kids were ushered into the office and read the riot act.  Then we were told that we would each get six swats of the paddle from either our parents or the vice-principal.  

The other girl went first. As she bent over the desk, her mother told the vice-principal: “Give me the paddle – I’ll deal with this.” Her daughter let out a cry of distress. However, her mother ignored her wails and pleas, which only became louder when mom flipped up and her skirt and pulled down her panties, leaving her bare butt exposed for all to see.

Her mother took up her position, raised the paddle and smacked the poor girl’s bottom as hard as she could. Her daughter jumped up, screaming and holding her bottom, tears already flowing. They flowed even harder when her mom told her that smack would not count.

She pushed her daughter back into position and gave her six more incredibly hard smacks, which caused the girl’s bottom to turn deep red with white spots in the middle of each cheek.  Finally allowed to stand up, tears and snot rolled down her face as she jumped around for a while, frantically rubbing her butt. She was told to pull her panties back up, and her face was now as red as her bottom as she stood next to me, crying like a baby.

My mother grabbed me next, pulled down my jeans and panties and pushed me over the desk. I felt her tap the paddle against my buttocks, then I heard a loud smack. Remarkably, it was a few seconds before a flood of pain erupted from my bottom. I let out a howl and kicked my legs, pleading not to spanked so hard, but of course that plea fell on deaf ears.

By the fifth swat, I had kicked off my jeans and panties and thought I was going to die.  The last smack was the hardest and as I stood up, through bleary eyes I could see the adults smiling and the two boys gazing at my exposed privates as I danced in pain. I retrieved my panties from the floor, pulled my jeans back up over my throbbing butt and stood crying next to my girlfriend.

Then it was the boys’ turn. The mother of the first grabbed him and took down his pants and underwear, to his horror revealing an erection pointing straight up. The boy’s father grabbed the paddle angrily and pushed him into position. He also made him spread his legs, so everyone could see his genitals from the back too.

The man held the paddle with both hands and smacked his son’s bottom impressively hard. The boy cried out: “It hurts!”, which made all of the adults present laugh.

After the fourth swat, the boy let out a sharp cry and jumped up and down, bawling like a baby and rubbing his butt. Now his erection was nowhere to be seen.  His mother angrily grabbed him by the ear and pushed him back into position, holding his head against the desk. Then she told her husband to repeat the last smack, which sent their son into a new bout of frantic crying. After the last stroke had been given, the boy jumped up and danced around just like us girls had. His bottom was very bruised and sore, and he got dressed carefully, beginning to cry harder as he pulled jeans back over his blazing buttocks.

Finally it was the other boy’s turn. He was already crying and let out a wail of ‘I don’t want to be spanked!’. which again caused all the adults to break out with laughter.

Needless to say, his plea was in vain. His mom laughing.  His mother stripped him of his jeans and underwear and he too had a massive erection before. His mom ignored the arousal and pushed him over the desk, grabbing the paddle as she did so. I swear her smack was harder than any of us other kids had received. 

After the fourth stroke, the boy slid off the desk and crumpled on the floor, crying his eyes out and rubbing his butt. His mother grabbed him by the hair and put him back over the desk, making him spread his legs wide apart as the other boy had been made to do. She gave him three more incredible smacks and when he got up from the desk and danced around his butt was incredibly bruised. Like the other boy, his erection had also shrivelled up thanks to the pain.

“Well,” the vice-principal said as the crying subsided a little, “it looks like these kids have all learned their lesson.” The mother of the last boy spanked retorted: “His punishment won’t be over until I get him home and he gets two quarts of soapsuds in his bottom!” This embarrassing statement caused the boy to begin crying again, and all the other parents agreed that an enema would be a fitting conclusion to all our punishments.

The rest of the school day was agony, as our young bottoms sat uncomfortably on hard plastic or wooden chairs, as well as the knowledge that our behinds would receive further attention from our parents later on.

When I got home, my mother was already waiting for me. She took me to the bathroom, stripped me naked and put me over her knee, then gave me a very hot and soapy enema which caused horrible cramps. Sitting on the hard toilet seat afterwards was an additional punishment and the embarrassment of having my mother watch me poop at my age made it even worse. 

After I had emptied my bowels, I was put into my bedroom. My bottom was so sore I had to lie on my tummy, and I eventually cried myself to sleep.

Contributor: Misty

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