When I was growing up, spankings were very common for kids in their homes and so was corporal punishment in schools. Most children in that period experienced it.
Unusually, in our own home my much-older sister generally acted as my disciplinarian, and she had a short fuse.
I recall one day, I managed to destroy something in the house and when my sister found out about my misdemeanour, she took me straight to her bedroom to be punished.
My sister sat down on the bed and drew me towards her. She expertly undid my trousers and pulled down my underpants, leaving my small bottom completely bare.
Then she laid me face down over her right thigh, and smacked long and hard. The spanking stung incredibly and seemed to go on forever.
The pain was terrible, but I also do recall the feeling of my bare pelvis rubbing against her lap. She was wearing sport bikini bottoms, otherwise her legs were bare. The combination of a burning backside and my private parts rubbing against my sister’s smooth, soft thighs left a big impression on me, and I’m convinced that was the beginning of my lifelong spanking fetish.
Contributor: Peter