Sink or swim

Mother was the disciplinarian in our household of three children. My brother was three years older, and my sister three years younger.

Mother spanked us with a small plywood paddle that is still very clear in my memory today. It was a Bo-Lo Bouncer game paddle that also doubled as a very good spanker once the staple holding the rubber band and attached ball had been removed.

The paddle was made of real plywood and was quite formidable, not like similar game paddles that are available today. That paddle stung. Where or when mother acquired it, I do not know but it was used on my bottom all through my formative years.

I knew of several of my friends who were also spanked with such a paddle. Although I received many spankings during my childhood, there is one that I particularly remember.

It occurred one summer when I was about 10 or 11 years old. My brother and I had swim passes to the community swimming pool and we had spent most of the day there, swimming with our cousin who was a year younger than me.

The swimming pool was several miles from my house and we usually either walked or hitchhiked there. I don’t remember how it came about, or why we decided to do this, but on our way back from the pool, we decided to visit our aunt and uncle, who lived in the next borough several miles away. It was a lot further than we thought and it took a very long time to get there, since no-one picked us up and we ended up walking both ways.

It was kind of anti-climatic when we got to my aunt’s house. I don’t know what we were expecting, but the impression I got was that it was something we shouldn’t have done and were probably going to be in trouble for. We were only there a few minutes before we turned around to head back home. I remember my uncle saying something about going back to ‘face the music’ and I thought we might be in for it when we got home.

As we walked back (which seemed to take forever – we were very tired) we talked about what might happen when we got home. We were hoping in our childish minds that maybe our aunt hadn’t phoned mother to tell her about our little adventure. We decided that we would just say we had gone swimming and no place else. That was a mistake, as we soon discovered.

It was late when my brother and I arrived home and dinner was already on the table. My cousin had continued on to his home, which was on the other side of town. My brother and I were both a little nervous upon entering the kitchen. Mother asked us why we were so late and we answered that we stayed late at the pool and it took a long time to walk back. She asked if we had gone anywhere else and, trying to save our bottoms, we said no – that we had only been to the pool.

We did not know that our aunt had phoned mother as soon as we left and informed her of our adventure and that we were on our way home. We were caught in a bold-faced lie. Mother then told us about the phone call from our aunt and how disappointed she was in us for lying to her. She said she was going to spank us both for going over to our aunt’s house without permission and for lying to her.

Mother got the paddle out of the drawer where it was kept and marched me into her bedroom, while my brother waited in the kitchen for his turn. Mother sat down at her vanity bench and pulled me beside her. She had me take off my jeans, then she pulled down my underwear to my knees and put me over her lap. Mother didn’t say anything more, since there was no need to. I knew why I was getting a spanking.

Mother went to work with her paddle and really gave me a good one. I don’t know how long I was over her knee but the spanking seemed to last forever. I remember crying and pleading for her to stop, but the spanking just went on and on and I learned a very harsh lesson that day.

I was crying like a baby when mother finally stopped and my bottom was stinging and burning like it always did after one of her spankings. I was sent to my room and to bed, where I lay crying with my bottom warm and stinging while I listened to my brother getting his spanking.

We both learned a good lesson that day and I made up my mind that I would never lie to mother again. I knew that I deserved what I had got, and I loved and respected mother for correcting me properly.

Contributor: Paul

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