A treat for my sister

One evening, when I was 11 years old, both my parents had to work late, and so I was left in the care of my sister Rebeca, who is only four years older than myself.

Early in the evening, I went out for a while to play with some of my friends. Unfortunately, I lost track of time and I got back home almost an hour later than the time I had agreed with my sister.

Rebeca was extremely angry with me. “I told you to be home in good time, didn’t I? I’ll tell Mom all about this when she gets home and you’ll see what she has to say about it in the morning!”

Well, I knew for sure that would mean a sore bottom. “Please, Rebeca!” I begged, “please don’t tell Mom. I’ll do anything you want!”

My sister looked at me silently for a moment, then she said: “OK, I won’t tell Mom – but I have to spank you myself.” I began to protest but my sister cut me off short. “Your choice, Manuel! I’d say you are going to have a sore bottom one way or another.”

I went quiet for a moment as I weighed up my choices. There was no question that my mother would spank me in the morning, and it would hurt a great deal. Maybe a spanking from Rebeca wouldn’t be quite as bad, and at least it would be over and done with now. “All right,” I said finally, “you can punish me.”

A smile played on Rebeca’s lips. “All right,” she said. “Go and fetch me the hairbrush.” This was a specific brush Mom kept for smacking both our bottoms. Reluctantly, I went to the drawer where it was kept and handed it over to my sister, who in the meantime had found a straight-backed chair and sat down on it.

To my horror, Rebeca placed the brush on her lap and then her hands went to the zip of my trousers. “No,” I said, “you’re not doing it like that!” Rebeca ignored me, unbuttoned me at the waist and slid my trousers down to my ankles. When her hands went back up, this time to grasp the waistband of my underpants, I freaked out. “No, no, no!” I cried, desperately holding up my undies.

“Manuel, don’t be so silly. You know Mom always does us on the bare bottom, and that’s how it’s going to be today. Now, last chance – me or Mom?” For an answer, I took my hands away from my underpants and Rebeca slid them slowly and carefully down my legs to meet my trousers. Instinctively, I cupped my hands in front of my manhood.

Rebeca looked amused. “Do you think I haven’t seen your penis before, you silly little boy? Hands by your sides!” I obeyed reluctantly. Rebeca picked up the brush again. “Bend over my knee, please.”

The only consolation I had in obeying this command was that at least my privates were no longer on view. Rebeca seemed to take an age settling me down into the right position, and I flinched as I felt the intimacy of her hand on my bare bottom as she got me right. Looking back, it was obvious that she was enjoying this now-rare view of her little brother’s behind, not to mention the prospect of spanking it soundly!

Then I felt my sister’s left arm snake around my bare waist and a lightning bolt of pain in my right buttock as the first stroke of the hairbrush landed dead centre. I howled – this was just as bad as when Mom used the hairbrush on me!

I can’t say how long I was over my big sister’s knee, as the punishment quickly blurred into one continuous moment of smarting pain, screaming and crying.

I was in such a state afterwards that Rebeca had to help me to my feet. “Now, go to the corner!” she directed. I obeyed, but as I tried to pull my clothing back up over my throbbing buttocks, I felt a sharp slap there from Rebeca’s hand. “Did I say you could pull your pants back up? I want that naughty bottom on show while you have a good think about your behaviour. Hands on your head, young man!”

I think I was in the corner for about half an hour. Not being allowed to rub my sore bottom was absolute agony and I spent most of the time crying freely, no longer caring about what parts of my body my sister saw.

After I had done my corner time, I was allowed to cover up again and sit down (rather awkwardly) for some dinner. Then I was sent straight to bed without further ceremony.

I had a pretty sleepless night. For one, my bottom was burning red still and I could feel the blood throbbing rhythmically in both my buttocks. Another concern was whether my sister would keep her word, or whether I would be having my pants put down in the morning as well – this time by my mother.

Thankfully, Rebeca kept her promise and didn’t say anything to Mom or Dad. I had to be extra careful that neither of my parents saw my bare bottom for quite a few days, though. Thankfully, I also managed to hide the damage from classmates and teachers at school when we changed for PE.

Looking back, I think Rebeca felt like giving herself a treat by spanking me herself, and I do wonder whether she masturbated after she had sent her little brother to bed in disgrace. I’ve never been able to work up the courage to talk to her about the incident, though, even though it’s now many years in the past.

Contributor: Manuel

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