Slippered into obedience

I guess you could say I was quite a spirited young girl – although I’m sure that at the time at least, my parents would have labelled me as just plain ‘naughty’. I wasn’t really wicked or horrible, but I did seem to get into scrapes a lot and in retrospect I was often disrespectful to my mum.

From a fairly early age, such disrespect would earn me a smacked bottom from my mother. I don’t know how old I was when I got my first spanking but I can remember being over her knee quite a lot even as a pre-schooler. At first, these spankings were given through the seat of my skirt or dress – I was never allowed to wear trousers, as my parents thought them unfeminine. However, after a while Mum began to take my knickers down and turn up my skirt, presumably so I would feel it more sharply.

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